Friday, December 17, 2010

As a Woman in Labor (abridged)

a psalm by Janet Morley from All Desires Known, 3rd Edition copyright 1988

As a woman in labor longings for the birth,

I long for you, O God;

and as she is weary to see the face of her child,

so do I seek your deliverance.

She cries out, she pants, because her pain is great,

and her longing is beyond measure;

her whole body is groaning in travail

until she shall be delivered.

My soul hungers for you.

as a child for her mother's breast;

like the infant to cries out in the night,

who waits in the dark to be comforted.

At night I will cry for your justice,

and in the morning, I will seek you early;

for you O God are the source of my salvation,

and all my nourishment is found in you.

As a woman looks to her friend,

that she may open her heart and be free,

that her words may find understanding

and her fears may be contained;

so do I look to you O God, that you may search me and know my ways,

bringing me a judgment and tenderness, and sending me home released.

As the body of the lover he yearns for her beloved,

so is my desire for your touch.

She cries out from her depths, she weeps,

and cannot speak

because of the beauty of her beloved.

You also have laid a hand upon me,

and I cannot forget your ways.

contributed by Carter

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